Sunday, March 27, 2011

Split pants and Loogies

There are a lot of things that I have really come to appreciate about the Chinese people.  They have an uncanny way in which they are able to smile and "not sweat the small stuff"  even when they've almost been run over by a car.  But the two things that I do not think I will ever get use to are the split pants and the loogies!

I am not sure how many times in the past week that I have heard a person (not limited to just men) clear their throats and hawk a big one.  It is the most disgusting but fascinating occurrence.  I guess it is my own stereotype that had me believe that these demure people would ever commit such a vile and offensive sound.  My mistake!

Split pants, they don't sound terrible so why the uproar?  Well, for starters split pants are pants that are worn by toddlers that are not quite potty trained.  They have a split and goes right through the center of the pants and when a child needs to relieve themself, they walk to the nearest tree, gutter or curb and urinate right through the pants hole.  Then the child runs around on their merry way.  Today was a bit shocking when we turned the corner and there was a mother holding her child while she urinated onto the sidewalk.  Forget diapers, I am bringing split pants to the US and encouraging everyone to go GREEN. 

Tomorrow morning we meet Lucy.  She will be joining us at the hotel at 10:30am and we will spend the entire day with her just getting acclimated.  I am excited and nervous but more than anything I hope that the day is not too traumatic for her. 

Stay tuned as I will be video taping our union.

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