Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The best Christmas gift ever!

On December 20th, at 10pm I received the best Christmas gift ever!  I received the phone call of a lifetime and after waiting for 4 years, I finally was given the news that Lucy was ready to come home.  I was elated, nervous, scared and any other emotion you could possibly think of.  You would think that after 4 years of waiting that I would be prepared.  On some levels I am prepared but then there is this completely new level of fear and feeling unprepared.  All of the "what if's" and "how do I" start running through your head.  Needless to say, it was a restless night.
On Christmas Eve, I shared the news with my family and of course everyone was excited.  A few of my nephews are wanting to be stow aways in the plane to China.  What a special Christmas it was for our family.
So here is a little bit of information on Lucy.  She was born in October of 2009 in China.  She is currently staying with a foster family in the Jiangxi province.  She is beautiful.  We(I say we, because Lucy's Grandparent's wouldn't dream of missing out on bring her home) will fly to bring her home in March.
I intend on blogging about the experience of picking her up from beginning to end so all of you who have endured the last 4 years with me can be a part of the most exciting part of this journey....Bringing Lucy Home.