Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One Year Later!

Today is the 1 year Anniversary of Lucy and I becoming a family.  Today I have been overwhelmed with emotion.  I can't believe how quickly this time has gone and how much my girl has blossomed.  A year ago, I had so much trepidation about being a Mother, creating a bond with Lucy and just figuring out a routine.  Today, we are two peas in a pod!  That pod gets very cramped every now and then but none the less, it's our pod.

A year ago, when Lucy and I were introduced to one another, she was not standing, sitting or walking.  She was not speaking or really even babbling.  Today, Lucy is not only walking, she is running, hopping and talking up a storm.  I hear "Hey, Mama!" or "Whatcha doing Mama?"  at least 10 times a day and all in a row. I have to remind myself to appreciate that little voice because SHE worked really hard this year to get there.  Even when that little voice keeps saying "I do it!"  I just breathe deeply and grin.

A year ago, Lucy had not had her palate repaired.  She was unable to suck from a straw.  She did not know how to blow bubbles or how to blow a whistle.  Today,  Lucy had her palate repaired in May and has been in speech therapy since June.  She is able to suck out of a straw, blow bubbles(even in the dog bowl), and blow a whistle.

A year ago, Lucy was funny and a prankster.  She was tenacious, independent and opinionated.  She was full of life and optimistic.  Today, Lucy is funny and a prankster.  She is tenacious, independent and opinionated.  She is full of life and optimistic.

A year ago, Lucy had been in a foster home and was waiting for a family.  A year ago, I was desperately waiting to be a Mom. 

Today, Lucy and I are a FAMILY and my cup runneth over!