Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lucy Meets the Family!

Here we are!  It has been 2 months since I have written, but as many of you are aware....kid's take TIME!  I love spending time with Lucy, but when I finally have a minute to myself, I am catching up on work or whatever I have on DVR!  So let me catch you all up to speed as to what has been happening in our world!

Lucy and I headed to Nebraska/Colorado for our family reunion and Lucy got to meet her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa as well as the extended family.  She had her first experience with a pinata and the competitive nature of her cousins as they all ran her over going for the candy!  She LOVED it!

We spent a few days in Colorado with the entire family.  We went swimming, hiking and played board games.  The best part of the trip was watching Lucy play ring around the rosy with her boy cousins who are 9, 12, 12.!  OH, they took bubble baths with her too!  I love how they love her!!! 

I couldn't have asked for a more supportive family.  Everyone has been so welcoming and supportive of us and I am truly appreciative of everyone.