Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Earning My Stripes!!!

I am glad that you all cannot see me right now, with the bags under my eyes, my 3 day old pajama's that can walk on their own, my hair that could use a highlight and cut and my wiry eyebrows that need to be waxed.  I am not even going to talk about the legs!!! UGHH!

Lucy had surgery on Friday morning to repair her cleft palate and to have tubes put into her ears.  This is and was the first of several years worth of surgery.  The surgery lasted 3 hours and then she and I were to spend the night in the hospital.  Poppy came down to give me some assistance and boy am I grateful!

I was ultra prepared for the day.  I brought her favorite stuffed animals, books and toys.  Clothes for me, my computer and lots of work stuff to catch up on!  I also thought Poppy and I could take advantage of the down time to watch movies while she re cooped so I packed 8 DVD's.  And now you can all start laughing!

She came out of surgery at 10:30am and did NOT sleep for more than 20 minute intervals.  My child is drug resistant!  They had morphine, codeine and any other drug you can think of running through her veins trying to calm her down and put her out of her misery.  But the more they tried to tame the Lion, the wilder the beast became!

I know I have said it before, so I am here to say it again.  My child has an inner strength and will power that frightens me.  I believe I said to the nurse on a number of occasions during that 24 hour stretch, "She is going to give me a run for my money one day!"  Let's just say that Lucy and I are going to have several years of "the meeting of the minds!"

All and all she is re cooping well and has been a trooper!  She is off food for 2 weeks and on a liquid only diet!  This has been a nightmare as she likes to eat!  She is really mad at me right now and I think I have seen more of her backside these past few days than her front!( This is what she does when she is mad at me!)  After two weeks she will be on a soft food only diet for 4 weeks and then she will be off to the Golden Corral for the family buffet!

Poppy left today!  Thank God for Grandparents.  They create levity at a time when nothing seems trivial.