Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Lucy has finally come down off of her Halloween sugar high!  We had a blast!  Ya-Ya and Poppy came down for a Birthday/Halloween bash.  We started the weekend at Sweet Berry Farms where Lucy went on a Hay rack ride, rode a pony, feed the goats and went through a corn maze. She had a fantastic time and may have even found her calling driving a John Deer!

Ya- Ya has a special place in Lucy's heart!  The saying holds true, "If Mom says No, ask Ya-Ya!"

On Halloween, Lucy dressed up as a cat! We went trick or treating at the Great Wall adoption agency where Lucy was able to meet all of the people who helped make our family complete.   

During the evening,  Lucy handed out candy to all of the trick or treaters.  She had as much fun handing out the candy as she did eating the candy and was very generous with the portions.  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Potty Training!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Guess who is Two!

Lucy is Two! 
We have decided that it would be Birthday Week in our house, so we spent the week celebrating her 2nd birthday and our first birthday as a family.  Every evening Lucy indulged in cupcakes, ice cream or cookies and I sang happy birthday to her.  She would then open one gift from her family.  She is still at the age where ripping the tissue and the boxes is as exciting as the gift itself. 
Sunday evening was the big finale when we were able to celebrate her birthday with Ya Ya and Poppy.  Their visit was enough of a gift for her as she is in love with her grandparents.

Lucy has been doing fantastic at school and was invited to her first birthday party.  At the end of November the toddler class is putting on a performance for Thanksgiving.  I can't wait to see this and will undoubtedly video tape the performance. 
Lucy has made new friends with our next door neighbors who are 8 and 5 years old.  They come over everyday and ask to play and she loves it.

We are getting close to potty training because the other day when she was playing with the neighbors in the driveway, she pulled down her pants, ripped off her diaper, handed it to me and said, "yuck!"  So I am planning on seeing if she is interested in getting rid of diapers over Thanksgiving!  Wish us Luck!

Lucy and I have been together for 8 months now and I could not have imagined the joy that she has brought to my life.  When I think back to that day 8 months ago, it feels like a life time ago and the change in Lucy is amazing.  She has blossomed so quickly at times it feels as though we have experienced a year and a half in 8 months.  She is a happy, loving and independent girl.  My life has been blessed!